Activist retires after 26 years with Diocese of Salt Lake City

Friday, Apr. 22, 2011
Activist retires after 26 years with Diocese of Salt Lake City + Enlarge
Dee Rowland accepts a certificate from Monsignor J. Terrence Fitzgerald, vicar general for the Diocese of Salt Lake City, at her retirement luncheon.
By Laura Vallejo
Intermountain Catholic

SALT LAKE CITY – Back in 1985, Dee Rowland was reluctant to take a job working for the Catholic Church because she feared she might not be pious enough. That concern apparently hasn’t been an issue: For the past 26 years Rowland has served as the government liaison for the Diocese of Salt Lake City. Now, however, her retirement is at the door.

"Dee Rowland has been an outstanding member of the diocesan family for many years now," said Monsignor J. Terrence Fitzgerald, vicar general of the diocese.

In addition to her position as government liaison, Rowland has represented the diocese on many public boards and committees. She also oversees the diocese’s Peace and Justice Commission and coordinates the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.

"Dee Rowland has been the superb director of the Government Liaison office of the Salt Lake Diocese for so many years that it is difficult to imagine that work without her," said the Most Rev. George H. Niederauer, Archbishop of San Francisco, who supervised Rowland while he was Bishop of Salt Lake City from 1995 to 2006. "Dee witnesses to the Gospel’s and the Church’s teaching on peace and justice in such a clear, compassionate and generous way that she has the respect and affection of even those who disagree with her, and certainly of us who don’t."

During her work Rowland had many challenges but at the same time her work has been rewarding in many ways. With her retirement Rowland realized how lucky she had been to have been able to work with a team of dedicated, loving people with a ministry to share.

"I’ve had the rich experience of working for three incredible men: Bishops Weigand, Niederauer and Wester, and they have each made it seem like I was working with them instead of for them," she said. "Then there are the dedicated religious women and priests of this diocese; many different personalities but all focused on loving God and guiding others in how best to do that. This hasn’t been just a job for me, it’s who I am. I’ve been so lucky to work on the issues I believe in."

Rowland has many memories from her job that she will treasure forever. One of them is when she visited Africa.

"Walking through the slums of Mombasa, Kenya with a nun as she visited AIDS patients who were surviving because of the medicines made possible by U.S. funding and Catholic Relief Services distribution is probably one of my most treasured memories of this job," said Rowland.

Rowland has represented the Church at the Utah Legislature for many years, earning the respect of legislators because her commitment to social justice and peace and how the public policies impacts the poor and vulnerable.

"Dee represents the Catholic Church as a person of integrity who is willing to listen, discuss various points of view, and respect others even when she disagrees," said Msgr. Fitzgerald. "Dee often speaks for those who have no political voice when it comes to legislation."

At a staff luncheon honoring Rowland, the Most Rev. John C. Wester, Bishop of Salt Lake City, said the staff is happy for her on her retirement. "We have grown to love you; in these years I have learned to know you as a woman of great integrity," he said, adding that he thinks she will continue to be visible in the Catholic community. "I know your service won’t stop with your retirement," he said.

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