Bishop Solis' Easter Message

Friday, Mar. 29, 2024
Bishop Solis' Easter Message + Enlarge
This stained-glass window depicting the risen Christ is in the chapel of the Carmel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Holladay.
By The Most Rev. Oscar A. Solis
Bishop of Salt Lake City

Greetings of peace and love of the Risen Christ!

The long wait that we started at the beginning of this year’s Lenten season in February has come to an end. At the Easter vigil, we celebrate the most sacred and joyful moment as we move forward from the commemoration of the sorrowful Passion and death of Christ during Holy Week to the glory of his Resurrection from the dead.

Immersed in darkness and entrenched in hopelessness, the Resurrection of Christ not only opens the grave that could not contain him, but it also opens the gates of heaven as well as the hearts of sinners for the outpouring grace of divine mercy and newness of life. Our Lord came out of the tomb to radiate his light and dispel the darkness of evil, sin and hatred in our lives and in the world.

The message of Easter rings loud and clear: Christ has died, he has risen, and he is alive! Look not among the dead for the Living God. Christ conquered the power of death and sin to make the world know that good prevails against evil, love is more powerful than hate, and life is greater than death.

Easter ushers in many surprises, new opportunities and new beginnings. Amid the war, violence, suffering and challenges around us, with Christ there is hope of transformation and reconciliation. His Resurrection brings a new day, a new heaven and a new earth with gifts of love, hope, joy and peace.

Christ transformed the cross, the tree of death and despair, into a tree of life and hope. Easter calls us to come alive, to walk into the path of light Christ’s Resurrection brings. He has overcome death that we might live. Let us all proclaim the victory and glory Christ has won for us and open our hearts to welcome the Risen Lord into our lives and the world.

Alleluia! He is risen! Wishes for a holy and happy Easter to all!

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