Bishop Wester calls a seminarian to candidacy

Friday, Jul. 03, 2009
Bishop Wester calls a seminarian to candidacy + Enlarge
Bishop John C. Wester (left) admits seminarian Christopher Gray into Candidacy before he leaves for Rome in mid July. Christopher will be a third year seminarian and will attend the Pontifical Gregorian University.IC photo by Christine Young

SALT LAKE CITY — The Most Rev. John C. Wester called seminarian Christopher Gray to candidacy at a Mass celebrated in the chapel at the office of the Diocese of Salt Lake City June 30.

Christopher entered Mount Angel Seminary in St. Benedict, Ore., in the fall of 2007. He will be entering his third year in the seminary this month.

"We are celebrating the Eucharist as we honor the first martyrs of Rome and admit into candidacy Christopher Gray, who will be going to Rome in mid-July to continue his studies for the priesthood," said Bishop Wester. "We are very proud of Christopher and congratulate Maria Cruz and Deacon Forrest Gray (Christopher’s parents).

Maria Cruz is the director of Hispanic Ministries, and Deacon Forrest Gray is the coordinator for continuing deacon formation for the Diocese of Salt Lake City.

"All of us here, in one way or another, feel a part of Christopher’s extended family, and we certainly will continue to pray for you as you continue to follow Christ’s call," said Bishop Wester.

"This is a big step for me, a canonical step that must happen before ordination," said Christopher. "I had to make a couple of promises to Bishop Wester, and when you start making promises to the bishop, it is very serious. The diocese has shown a great deal of confidence in me, and now, of course, it is up to me to live up to those promises.

"Usually our seminarians receive candidacy right before their ordination to the diaconate," said Christopher. "But since I am going to Rome, they have a slightly different way of doing things, and they want their students to receive Admission to Candidacy before they arrive.

"I applied to Rome out of obedience to Bishop Wester," said Christopher. "Bishop Wester told me through the Office of Vocations that it was his preference that I should study theology in Rome. Only after he told me that he wished me to apply, I began the application process. I followed the instructions I got from the bishop, who is ultimately our spiritual father.

"It is definitely an honor to be able to go," said Christopher. "But it also takes with it a great deal of responsibility that the bishop has placed on me to go this far away to do this work I am about to do.

"I am definitely buoyed by all the prayers that come from all my friends in Salt Lake City," said Christopher. "That is definitely what keeps me afloat through all of this.

"I am being sent for five years, God willing," said Christopher. "There are two things. The first three years, I will spend getting what is called a Bachelor of Sacred Theology. Then after that, I will continue to study for two more years for a License of Sacred Theology. I will be studying at the Pontifical Gregorian University. I was assigned to that school by Bishop Wester.

"I am learning Italian," said Christopher, who is fluent in Spanish. "Being fluent in Spanish helps in some things, but also makes it harder in others. The languages are similar, but they are also different. At times it can be difficult keeping them apart.

"It is a very humbling that I am given this opportunity," said Christopher.

"Forrest and I are so proud of Christopher," said Maria Cruz. "It was such an honor to have the bishop admit him into candidacy. We are so proud that he is going to study in Rome, although we would like to have him close by. We know he is in God’s hands. He has been in God’s hands since he was born."

In his homily, Bishop Wester said as we encounter the storms of our lives whether its persecution, or we are called to die to self, or external forces that we cannot control, it is our faith in Jesus Christ that will see us through.

"Christopher, as you take this important step along the road to the priesthood, this step of candidacy, the very word candidate implies that you are on the way," said Bishop Wester. "The Church has perceived in you qualities, gifts, that you will grow in the will of the Church, service of the church, and service in Jesus Christ. You, yourself, have responded generously to Christ’s call.

"So now this candidacy is the Church’s acknowledgment that you are a man of faith," said Bishop Wester. "There may be calamities, difficulties to deal with along the way, as there are for others. But as a man of faith, you trust the Lord will provide you with strength. The Lord will deliver you from volcanic eruptions. There may be moments and difficulties from the pressures of studying and demands that are made, but these things are part and parcel of the process. But because you are a man of faith, you will do well and the Lord will see you through accordingly.

"Because you are bound in a family of faith, many faith-filled people, such as those here today, you will also be joined in prayer," said Bishop Wester. "You are taking this road toward the priesthood, this call from God’s holy people. We pray the Lord Jesus Christ will continue to guide, inspire, and assist you."

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