Experiencing the desert during vacation Bible School

Friday, Aug. 15, 2014
Experiencing the desert during vacation Bible School + Enlarge
Children in the St. George Catholic Church Vacation Bible School learn about Moses. Courtesy photo/St. George Parish
By Special to the Intermountain Catholic

By Jill Luttrell
ST. GEORGE — For children, the Bible can feel like an old history book, telling about things that happened a long time ago; they might forget, for example, that Moses was a real person who faced fear as he led the Israelites out of slavery and into the desert. 
To help the Old Testament come alive during Saint George Catholic Church’s Vacation Bible School, the children experienced what it was like to leave Egypt in a miraculous way and travel in the desert wilderness; they were divided into 12 groups representing the 12 Tribes of Israel.
The first day the children talked to Moses and learned about some of his adventures. They experienced crossing the Red Sea and having quail (Peeps) and manna (frosted flakes) fall from the sky. They painted door frames and sampled unleavened bread. They also experienced how Moses avoided “traps” by obeying the Ten Commandments.  
In addition, they were exposed to life in Israelite camps as they visited a baker, butter churner, camel herder, camp cleaner, sand artisan, sandal stitcher, musician, weaver and rope maker, making crafts at each stop.   
In addition, the children participated in Operation Kid To Kid, focusing on clean water for India. They learned that for $2.50 a child in India can have clean water for a year at school – plus a clean bathroom and a place to wash their hands every day.  Money was collected each day to fill a “water glass.” By the end of the vacation Bible school the children had collected almost $300.  
The kids had so much fun that parents told the vacation Bible school instructors that the children awakened early each morning, jumped out of bed and could not wait to get to the church, and that they continue to sing the songs from the music CDs they bought. Their question on the last day was, “Are you doing this next year?”  

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