Let's turn our pistols into plowshares

Friday, Mar. 08, 2013
Instituted as an acolyte + Enlarge
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ROME (NAC) — On March 3, 62 seminarians of the Pontifical North American College were instituted to the ministry of acolyte during a celebration of the Eucharist. Joseph Delka of the Diocese of Salt Lake City (shown), who is in his second year of theological studies, was among those seminarians instituted. His Excellency, the Most Reverend Joseph A. Di Noia O.P., vice president of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, celebrated the Mass and instituted the new acolytes. Among the concelebrants of the Mass were nine cardinals from the United States, present in Rome for the forthcoming conclave. In his homily, Archbishop Di Noia exhorted the newly instituted acolytes to "strive to live more fully by the Lord’s sacrifice and to be conformed ever more perfectly to Christ himself." These seminarians have now received both the ministry of lector and acolyte in anticipation of their diaconal, and then priestly, ordination. As the rite indicates, an acolyte is charged with assisting at the celebration of the Eucharist, purifying the sacred vessels and when needed to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion.

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