Priest Anniversaries

Friday, Jun. 11, 2010
By The Most Rev. John C. Wester
Bishop of Salt Lake City

I have already mentioned our priests who celebrate significant anniversaries this year. While my schedule does not allow me to attend all the parish celebrations, I was able to make the second part of Msgr. Bonnell’s 50th celebration on June 6. The parish came out in large numbers, joined by members of Monsignor’s family, to honor our beloved Msgr. Bonnell. He was in good form as he thanked everyone for their love and support. Several family members, as well as parishioners, fit a few good-natured “digs” into their laudatory speeches. As you might expect, Monsignor’s wit was up to the challenge and he held his own quite nicely! The celebration was truly memorable and the outpouring of gratitude, affection and admiration for Monsignor was very uplifting. Congratulations to Msgr. Bonnell as well as to all our jubilarians this year. We are grateful to Almighty God for your many years of service and we wish you many, many more.

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