Sister M. Joseph Cecile Voelker, CSC

Friday, Jan. 31, 2025
Sister M. Joseph Cecile Voelker, CSC
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Sister M. Joseph Cecile Voelker, CSC

August 13, 1937 ~ January 17, 2025

Mary Cecilia Voelker entered the Sisters of the Holy Cross from Ventura, California on September 7, 1955. Her initial Profession of Vows was on August 15, 1958.

Sister M. Joseph Cecile was a warmhearted woman whose compassion knew no bounds. During her tenure as principal of Holy Cross School, Ventura, California, a parent of a prospective student once asked her whether the homeless people near the school were ever a problem. After a brief pause, Sister Joseph Cecile replied, “Yes, we have a terrible problem. … Sometimes our kids make fun of them.” This is only one example of many that demonstrates Sr. Joseph Cecile’s kindness and desire to help all of God’s people throughout her 66 years as a consecrated Sister of the Holy Cross.

Born on August 13, 1937, Mary Cecilia, known as “Cela” by family and friends, was the second of nine children, and all were raised on the Voelker family farm in Ventura. Because the parents were devout Catholics, the children grew up steeped in the faith. The family attended Wednesday night novenas, recited daily rosaries, and never missed Mass, despite living nearly eight miles away from church.

Throughout elementary and secondary school, Cecilia attended the Academy of Saint Catherine, Ventura, where she was introduced to the Sisters of the Holy Cross. She loved her Holy Cross teachers dearly, and knew from the time she was in the second grade that she wanted to become one of them. By the time she graduated from high school in 1955, her older sister, Sister M. Francis James (Voelker), CSC, was already a professed Holy Cross sister and later predeceased her in 1972. Upon reception of the holy habit, she became Sister Mary Joseph Cecile, in honor of their parents.

For almost 40 years, Sister Joseph Cecile was an esteemed educator in Catholic elementary schools sponsored by the Sisters of the Holy Cross. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Portland, Oregon, in 1964 and a doctoral degree in education administration from the University of Utah in 1970, while serving as coordinator of elementary education in the Diocese of Salt Lake City.

In 2000, Sister Joseph Cecile began her pastoral care ministry in Ogden, Utah, where she was a pastoral associate for 12 years at St. Joseph Parish. There, she coordinated the ministry to the homebound, and to those in hospitals and nursing homes. She also facilitated the parish Bible study group, and was part of the parish Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) team. Sister Joseph Cecile was a member of several boards in Ogden, including St. Joseph Catholic High School, the Diocesan Liturgy Commission, St. Anne’s Homeless Shelter, and Skaggs Family Foundation. Father Kenneth Vialpando, then pastor of St. Joseph Parish, said that they would have to find 10 people to replace her once she retired. Wanda Spell, director of religious education in the parish, said at the ceremony celebrating Sister Joseph Cecile’s retirement in 2012, “You have been a great teacher, counselor, mentor and friend. … You have really taught us to not take things for granted, you have taught us to look for Christ in everyone.” Sister Joseph Cecile was a spiritual and guiding force for those at St. Joseph Parish. The clergy and parishioners were truly grateful for her 12 years devoted to the community of Ogden.

In the summer of 2012, after 54 years of active ministry, Sister Joseph Cecile retired to Saint Catherine by the Sea Convent, Ventura, for health reasons. She died January 17, 2025.

Services for Sister Joseph Cecile were January 23, 2025  at the Church of Our Lady of Loretto, Notre Dame, Indiana.

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