Pastor Assignments: Father Showri Kalva

Friday, Jul. 28, 2023
Pastor Assignments: Father Showri Kalva + Enlarge
Father Showri Kalva

Father Showri Rayalu Kalva was born in Kethepally, India. He has two brothers and three sisters. He studied philosophy at St. John’s Seminary in Kondadhaba, then studied theology at St. John’s Regional Seminary in Hyderabad. He was ordained a priest on March 10, 1995 by the Most Rev. Innaiah Addagatla for the Diocese of Nalgonda. He served in various positions in the dioceses of Nalgonda and Kurnool, including as parochial vicar. From 2005 to 2007 he ministered in Camden, N.J. In 2013 he arrived in the Diocese of Salt Lake City and stayed at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Salt Lake City for three months, and then moved to Roosevelt, where he served as administrator of St. Helen Parish. He then was named pastor of St. James the Greater Parish in Vernal. On Aug. 2 he will begin his new assignment as pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish and chaplain to the Carmelite nuns and to Saint Joseph Villa. 
What would you like your new parishioners to know about you?
Being a priest is not a career, it is a service.  As a priest I am here to serve the people of God and to find Jesus in the people I serve. 
I am not perfect, and I do make mistakes.  I humbly serve the people of God, offering the sacraments and trying to be a constant, loving presence for all parishioners.   
On a personal note, I was born in India and was raised in a convent in India. I was ordained on March 10, 1995, and have been serving as a priest for 28 years. My favorite color is black and my favorite flower is the rose. It is important to me that each day I devote time to taking care of my body and spirit through daily exercise, adoration and saying the rosary.  
What are you looking forward to most about your new assignment?
I am honored and humbled to be a pastor of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church and to serve as chaplain for the Carmelites and the St. Joseph Retirement Villa. I am looking forward to being a shepherd to all. To quote Pope Francis, “Like Jesus, shepherds go with the people of God – sometimes ahead of the flock, sometimes in the midst of the flock and sometimes behind, but the key is I will always be there with the people of God.”
I view my vocation as an exciting adventure. I have the privilege of meeting new people and working alongside all of you to share the word of God. I will work hard to bring Jesus and God into people’s lives.  I am looking forward to many new experiences and learning new things and most of all offering pastoral care and spiritual guidance to the people.
Shortly after I found out about my new assignment, I realized my life has come full circle.  As I mentioned, I was raised by nuns in a convent and now I have the good fortune to serve as chaplain to the Carmelite nuns.  
As a priest, what has been your greatest challenge?
I feel as if my greatest challenge has been trying to reconnect with the average person. There is so much competition for the attention of people today what with social media and the endless bombardment of news. I want to let people know that our faith offers so much more for their lives than does the virtual world.
The same principal applies on the local level when you have those with differing views hoping to have their way. It’s usually not the best policy to try to please everyone. We all should strive to build our lives around Jesus, putting him at the center, looking to him and relying on him to satisfy our hearts.
As a priest, what has been your most satisfying experience?
First, is celebrating the sacraments.  I love celebrating the Mass because I get to share Christ with others. There is simply no better way to share Christ than to physically give him to his people. There is nothing else in the entire universe like pronouncing the words of consecration and holding a piece of bread in your hands as it is converted into the Body of Christ.
Second, it is working with the many people. Each place I serve, I learn so much. I love the people I have pastored at St. Helen’s and St. James the Greater parishes for the past 10 years. They have brought me so much joy, and I will miss them all.

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