
Intermountain Catholic

Priests learn about vocations during annual clergy convocation

By Marie Mischel
Intermountain Catholic
The theme of the convocation was “Called to Heaven: The Point of Priestly Vocations and Formation of the Whole People of God.”  >>>

Sacerdotes diocesanos aprenden sobre las vocaciones durante la convocación anual de clero

El tema de la convocación fue ‘Llamados al Cielo: El punto de la Vocación Sacerdotal  y de la Formación del Pueblo de Dios.’ >>>

Msgr. Michael J. Winterer recalled as a priest who ‘embodied missionary zeal’

Msgr. Winterer “embodied a missionary zeal, a life forged in prayer, and he was a heavenly dwelling place built by God.” - Father John Evans, vicar general >>>

Upcoming class will provide formation for all liturgical ministers in the Diocese of Salt Lake City

The training is for all members of the parish liturgy committee, lectors, music ministers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, sacristans, masters of ceremony and ushers. >>>
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