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Annual Chrism Mass celebrates vocations, blesses oils

Friday, Apr. 14, 2006
SALT LAKE CITY — The annual diocesan Chrism Mass, celebrated this year by Retired Bishop Richard Hanifen of Colorado Springs, recognizes the ongoing vocations of service of the priesthood, the sisters and brothers in religious life, and the laity, and in the blessing of the oils to be used throughout the next year, assures that the sacramental needs of the diocese will be fulfilled. >>>

Utahns join protest of punitive immigration reform

Friday, Apr. 14, 2006

Unity rally gives voice to human rights for all

Friday, Apr. 14, 2006
SALT LAKE CITY — For Catholic activists, the predominant issues of the two-day rallies and marches are not so much immigration rights or rights for Hispanics, they are issues of human rights – the rights all people deserve because all people are made in the image and likeness of God. >>>

Ladies of Charity learn faith, hope, and love through St. Louise de Marillac and her life of serving the poor

Friday, Apr. 14, 2006
BOUNTIFUL — "We know our faith comes from our personal knowledge of God and we recognize the love of God in very different ways," said Daughter of Charity Sister Joan Gibson, at the Ladies of Charity of the Diocese of Salt Lake City Lenten Retreat April 1, at St. Olaf Church. >>>

Children at St. Marguerite Pre-school learn the meaning of Easter and the resurrection of Jesus

Friday, Apr. 14, 2006

TOOELE — "Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey," said Kindra Valerio to her 4-year-old students at St. Marguerite Pre-school in Tooele. "His friends cheered and waved palm branches.


Trappists prepare to break ground on new monastery

Friday, Apr. 14, 2006
HUNTSVILLE — After their plans for a new monastery complex were put on a shelf for almost a year, Trappist Abbot Casimir Bernas and the monks of the Abbey of Our Lady of the Holy Trinity in Huntsville have dusted them off, broken the project down into phases, and are making plans to break ground this summer. >>>

The Passion of Christ as Portrayed in Churches Throughout the Diocese of Salt Lake City

Friday, Apr. 07, 2006

CCS acquires new building

Friday, Apr. 07, 2006
SALT LAKE CITY — Catholic Community Services of Utah (CCS) has acquired a building from Intermountain Health Care (IHC) to house its clinical services, refugee resettlement, and immigration programs, as well as their administrative offices. The building is located at 745 East 300 South in Salt Lake City. >>>

Emma Eccles Jones Foundation grants $1 million to Madeleine Choir School

Friday, Apr. 07, 2006
SALT LAKE CITY — Though notable for its musical, academic, and sports achievements, the physical plant of the Madeleine Choir School is at best dingy and at worst dangerous. The central conglomeration of buildings between 1st and 2nd Avenues and A and B Streets in Salt Lake City is rife with leaking roofs and peeling paint, and the century-old construction would likely be unable to resist the devastating effects of an earthquake. >>>

St. Ann parishioner gives his 100th unit

Friday, Apr. 07, 2006
SALT LAKE CITY — Vincent "Lee" Budell, 74, is a relaxed, easy going kind of fellow, so when the American Red Cross’ Judith Christensen, director of communications and marketing, Western Frontier Division, told him she wanted to tell the press he was about to donate his 100th unit of blood, he obliged. By the time the cameras arrived at Kearns-St. Ann Elementary School’s gym March 27, Budell was having second thoughts. >>>
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