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Palm Sunday procession at the Cathedral

Friday, Apr. 03, 2015

Sister Helen Prejean: The death penalty is 'political symbolism'

Friday, Apr. 03, 2015
SALT LAKE CITY — Sister Helen Prejean’s timing was propitious. Five days after Pope Francis decried the death penalty as “cruel, inhuman and degrading;” one day after Utah Gov. Gary Herbert signed a law bringing back the firing squad as a means of state-sponsored execution, and the same day that Bishop John C. Wester of Salt Lake City issued a statement saying that taking a human life is “a blasphemous attempt to assume divine attributes that we humble humans do not have,” the prominent opponent of the death penalty spoke at Westminster College as part of the Tanner-McMurrin Lecture Series. >>>

'Get involved,' Sister Prejean tells students

Friday, Apr. 03, 2015
SALT LAKE CITY —Sister Helen Prejean asked the students a direct question: If in some way you’re not engaged in resisting state-sponsored execution, can you be said to be complicit in the person’s death?  >>>

Happy Easter!

Friday, Apr. 03, 2015
As we Catholics enter this season more joyful than Christmas, I wanted to share words of elation and inspiration. After 40 days of Lenten meditation on Christ’s presence in my life, I wanted to be bursting with the heartfelt recognition that the Resurrection fulfills the promise of the Nativity, and rejoice in the salvation offered by the risen Christ. >>>

Safety Week offers activities for health and safety

Friday, Apr. 03, 2015
BOUNTIFUL — Constantly striving to improve their commitment of providing their students a safe environment, the Home and School Association of Saint Olaf School conducted Safety Week events at the school, culminating March 27 with a Safety Fair and Bike Rodeo. >>>

St. Vincent de Paul School welcomes students from Mexico

Friday, Apr. 03, 2015
SALT LAKE CITY — For the past eight years, Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic School has had a relationship with the John F. Kennedy Primary and Preschool in Guadalajara, Mexico. Last month, 35 middle school students from JFK visited St. Vincent and enjoyed a day of cultural exchange. When the Mexican students arrived, they were paired with local students. As an ice breaker, students from both schools introduced themselves and shared their interests and hobbies. The Mexican students used Google Maps to show St. Vincent students their school and their community. Together, all the students did some role playing and skits on peer problem solving, which is advantageous for all middle-school youth. >>>

Enfóquense en la presencia transformadora de Cristo, urge el obispo durante retiro

Friday, Apr. 03, 2015
DRAPER — El Reverendísimo John C. Wester, obispo de Salt Lake City dijo que Jesús llama a los Cristianos a sufrir junto a él su muerte en la cruz, a dar sus vidas a Dios y a ser transformados pro la Resurrección, esto durante el retiro anual para el programa RICA celebrado el 29 de marzo.
Cerca de 150 personas, incluyendo los elegidos, sus padrinos, patrocinadores y equipo de RICA, se reunieron en la Iglesia Católica de St. John the Baptist para el retiro.

El diácono Forrest Gray se retira del programa de capacitación para diáconos

Friday, Apr. 03, 2015
SALT LAKE CITY — El diácono Forrest Gray se retiró como director del programa de formación para diáconos permanentes de la Diócesis de Salt Lake City; una posición que sostuvo desde el 2007. El diácono Gray fue ordenado en el 2004. >>>

4 Min. de Reflexión: Conversatorio 12: Rito de la Comunión, Parte I

Friday, Apr. 03, 2015
La Liturgia de la Eucaristía podría compararse con una gran sinfonía, que con movimientos  armoniosos la lleva a la siguiente etapa, subiendo y bajando, sólo para subir de nuevo a otro nivel. En la Plegaria Eucarística alcanzamos un crescendo espiritual como mencionan las palabras de la consagración, seguidas por el Gran Amén, mientras nos preparamos para recibir la Comunión - el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. La transición a la siguiente parte más alta de la Misa es El Padre Nuestro,  y es adecuado, que sea una parte de nuestra adoración litúrgica, ya que es la oración que Jesús nos dio. >>>

Speaker: The Sacrament of Baptism anoints Catholics

Friday, Apr. 03, 2015
SALT LAKE CITY — The anointing of Catholics at baptism and confirmation calls them to continue the ministry of Jesus, said Scripture scholar Dianne Bergant, C.S.A., at a public lecture March 25 in the Cathedral of the Madeleine. >>>
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